
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Chance Encounter

 Barbieville Grocery.  The store's pretty empty, considering it's stop-after-work time. Rose-Grace is eyeing the produce in clearance aisle. 

PJ: How's Candy?  

Rose-Grace: Well, she's back on her feet, but pretty depressed about the possible permanent damage to the knee.  So much of her career is built on going into war-torn areas or jungles, places a bum leg can get you killed. 

PJ (winces in sympathy):  My knees give me trouble, and I'm just a dentist.  In a handicap-friendly building.  How are the kids holding up?  James's boys are a mess.

Rose-Grace: I don't think we should be discussing the case, not with the trial pending.  But we're all just grateful Candy survived.   

PJ: I've always envied you about her.  You make co-parenting look so easy.  Charlie - well, the less said there the better.  

Rose-Grace:  That's all Candy.  She accepted when they divorced that he, as custodial parent, would be calling the shots.  Sometimes we have to badger her just to get input. 

PJ: Boudicca took a leave of absence from the hospital.  I wish I could tell her we don't hold any of this against her.  

Rose-Grace: Zenobia has been very quiet when she comes over for rehearsal. The band finally decided to take a break until all this passes.

PJ: Probably for the best, really, at least as far as the trial is concerned.  We don't need that lawyer accusing us of plotting together. 

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