
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

A Reunion (Or Two)

 Sunburst.  Zenobia hurries in after her meeting with the lawyer. 

Iris: Casey, stop playing on your phone and eat.  

Casey: I'll have plenty of time to eat when Dawn gets here.  You two are gonna go blah-blah-blah til bedtime. 

Iris: We aren't going to be here that long.  We're going to the shop and make plans.  

Zenobia: Welcome to Sunburst!  I'm Zenobia.

Dawn: I'm looking for... oh, there she is.  (waves to Iris)  I'll just have some coffee, please.  

Zenobia: Cream and sugar? 

Dawn: No.  Just strong black coffee. 

Zenobia: It'll be a few minutes for the coffee.  I started a fresh pot.

Dawn: Excellent.  I'll also have this taco thing Iris is eating.  (Stops Zenobia when she moves away.) I hate to sound like some kind of stalker, but who is that woman over there?  In the wheelchair? She looks very familiar. 

Zenobia: That's Candy Pike.  She's a pretty well known photojournalist, so you've probably seen her work, but it's odd that... 

Dawn (excited): Was her maiden name Barr? And no, I'm not being a smartass.  I actually once knew a girl named Candy Barr. We were in a couple of foster homes together.

Zenobia: I believe it was.  I can ask her, she won't mind.  I'm friends with her sons. 

Dawn: Please do. My name's Dawn Lung. 

Zenobia: This is going to sound really weird. 

Candy (laughs): Most of the things you say are weird, Zenobia, but that's why I like you. What's up? 

Zenobia: The lady sitting with Iris Patrick?  She thinks you two were in a foster home together as kids.  Her name's Dawn Lung. 

Candy (thinks for a bit): There was a Dawn.  We ended up in the same home twice, once when I was ten or so and then when I was a teenager. (scrutinizes Dawn from across the room, then smiles broadly)  That is her!  

Candy:  It's me, Dawn!  (To Zenobia) Oh, I hate this wheelchair.  Help me get over there.  

Zenobia: I have to put in her order and get her coffee.  I'll ask if they mind you joining them. 

Candy: Oh, yeah, I guess I shouldn't just horn in on them. 

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