
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Doll Space Envy

A chat with some of my fellow doll people led me to consider the space I've dedicated to Barbieville.  Some of them have entire rooms!  And even outdoor spaces! 

This is Barbieville.  Not quite half of my living room.  Rusty (My Size Barbie) is the only doll that doesn't spend the majority of her time here.  Join me for a tour, won't you?  The large teal bin is Wardrobe and the pink thing under it is full of Lego blocks.

We start at the Pike's deck/carport.  A clip lamp on the neighboring bookshelf is used for lighting over here, if needed. (The table once held my grandmother's little television.)   

This shot of the Pike's house shows one of my lighting challenges. (It's a My Dolly And Me house, by Wicked Cool Toys.) 

Most of the day, I get natural lighting from the windows, which can create some lighting challenges.  I do sometimes use other locations in my apartment.  For hospital rooms, I use the kitchen counters. Anyplace that needs to look industrial, I set up in the furnace room. 

This old computer desk in the left-side corner is my primary shooting location.  The Guinness family portrait, for updating the census page, was the last thing I photographed and they're still there.  In all honesty, they'll be there until the next session.

Underneath is the rest of the Pike family vehicles, Pocahontas's Jeep, a play set piece, and an old grocery store display.  The display is crammed full of tables, school desks, and things to sit on.  Top shelf holds the pictures I sometimes use for backdrops.  Folding backdrops and play sets go between the desk and bookshelf next to it.

The bookshelf in the corner holds plastic bins full of accessories and one end of Albus's home.  This is also where most of the citizens of Barbieville hang out when not being played with.  (Those with established home sets, the Pikes and Albus, hang out in them.) There's also a "treasure chest" full of weapons.  My dolls are ready for the Zombie Apocalypse. 

That electric cord is to the wandering lamp.  So called because it wanders the area, providing light where needed. The iPod is hooked up to a portable radio, but those cords are tucked safely away.  You can see the lamp and radio in the first picture if you're really curious about them.

They generally hang out in family groups.  The Singles and Unassigned mix and mingle.  

The horses, horse trailer, sleigh, and golf cart share space with the day care's swing set and a tin full of headgear, including a space helmet.  The sleigh is full of decorative items.

My non-player dolls stand on the game shelf with my vintage VWs.  There are two 19 inch Pocahontas dolls, a Lagoona Blue, and a Cleo DeNile.  I'm not usually a fan of Monster High, but they were a gift - and ironically, I'd recently lost a feline companion of almost 20 years named Cleo!  

I have extra doll seating on the wall and right-side windowsill.  

That's my Behind The Scenes Barbieville.  None of my minions have complained about its utility as a play area.  I'm pretty happy with it, but just like Ariel....  (sing it with me) I want more!  So jealous of those with, like, whole rooms and yards to play in!


  1. It looks fantastic to me! In my new space I have serious lighting issues so I feel your pain there.

  2. Your space is one I'm jealous of! Because a whole entire room.
