
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Summer Is Coming

No lazy Saturday for the teens of Barbieville.  Exams are next week, then summer begins in earnest.  Study groups invade seperate rooms of the Pike home.  Or just play groups, for the younger set.

Fred: Did you know you don't get booby milk unless you grow a baby in your belly?  Bobby's mommy told me that's why she can't feed Dixie except with a bottle. 

Wilma: How come boys even gots boobies, then?  

Fred: Tanner says when we grow in the belly, we can be a boy or a girl depending on what chrome-zones and horde-moans we get.  We all automatically get boobies just in case we're girls. 

Finnick:  (To Nakoma) Tanner, the font of all knowledge. 

Nakoma: I wish.  I'd ask him who the guy stalking Pocahontas is. Creeps me out.  

Mariko: He's just sending flowers.  Besides, if it came to violence, my money's on her.  She did beat the crap out of John in high school when he got Albion Kelly pregnant.

Tanner: I've seen her physically remove some bruisers from the park, too.  She's a tough gal. 

Whitney: I like to gossip as much as the next girl, but we're supposed to be studying.  I'm really worried about the monologue for English.  How am I supposed to get into the head of a Victorian character? A man, even? 

Anakin: Mommy said she's out of rehab now, but she's got to find and keep a job for a long time before she can even think about.... Stacie, are you listening to me? 

Stacie: Sorry.  These guys are just so cute.

Anakin: I can't believe your folks let Orlando play with dolls.  Mommy always said... 

Stacie: Anakin, we're besties, right?  I can be totally honest with you?

Anakin: Sure.

Stacie: Your mother is an idiot.  

Nikki: I like Moana and everything, but I'm glad she didn't come with you.  I missed having it just be us two hanging out.

Taylor (to Gabriella): Are we not here?

Claudia: She's probably off somewhere trying to figure out which of Jason's brothers is her father.  DNA test said, plain as day, a second-degree relationship.  I don't think Jason's very smart. 

Gabriella: She's with Courtney.  Mom took them to the beach.  

Taylor:  Yeah, Moana practically lives at the Montez house now.  She likes you two, but she and Courtney...  thick as thieves. And we aren't hanging out, we're trying not to flunk.  We'll have all summer to hang out. 

At City Hall.  

Rose-Grace:  What are you doing here on a Saturday? 

Kyra: I'd ask you the same, but I bet I know.  Hiding from a house full of kids?

Rose-Grace: I've got some stuff with the zoning board to straighten out by Monday.  I want to give them a final decision first thing in the morning and get it over with.  (laughs) Also, a house full of kids that aren't mine.  

Kyra: I wanted to ask you about borrowing The Tank at some point over the summer.  Brent wants us to meet his sister and we thought we'd make a vacation of it, but cost is an issue.  Filling up an RV and renting a campsite is a lot cheaper than plane tickets and a pair of hotel rooms. 

Rose-Grace:  Sister?  Not the parents? 

Kyra: Brent hopes we never meet his parents.  They're the worst sort of people you could imagine.  

At Witch's Cove.

Pocahontas: I'm going to say this once, Ryan.  You are getting this chance as a favor to your parents and sisters.  I hope they're right when they tell me you've turned over a new leaf.  

Ryan: Yes, ma'am.  Well, I'm trying.  

Sylvia: My ex filled his head with so much crap from the time he was little... 

Pocahontas: Your obnoxious ex aside, Ryan's not a child anymore and it's time he acted like it. 

Pocahontas:  You'll work the ticket booth this summer.  Your sisters will work the first few days here with you, for training, and then you'll be assigned with others.

Phoebe: And we'll smack you upside the head if you get outta line.  (To Pocahontas) Once we get home, that is.  I know whacking your co-workers is frowned upon. 


  1. Studying vs gossiping - which one is winning? I love your little ones’ understanding of reproductive biology!

    1. I advocate teaching them what they can understand as soon as possible. The boy was a toddler when he asked me if my Sims were using a condom!
