
Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's Not The Plague

How are the residents of Barbieville dealing with the COVID-19 shutdown?  Let's drop in on the town's First Family and see!

Tanner:  Man, this sucks.  We're doing homework for lack of anything better to do. 

Finnick:  I'm just getting it over with.  Then I'm gonna get as many people together as possible for a marathon gaming session! 

Tanner: That's a great idea.  What game, though?

Finnick: That depends on who's playing.  We might even switch around as people join in or leave.  

Samara and Orlando are enjoying an unprecedented amount of freedom to chew on their big sisters' dolls. 

Samara: Horsey! 

Nikki sends a photo of them to Claudia. 

Claudia (via text): Orlando iz in da house!  LOL 

Nikki (via text): He thinks I can't see him in there.  How are things at your Grandma's? 

Claudia (via text): Awful.  I'm so mad at Ben.  He lets me be home alone all the time normally.

Nikki (via text): Normally, idiots aren't clobbering Asians for giving us the plague.

Claudia (via text): It's not the plague.  All this craziness is to keep it from being the plague.

Mace: I'm glad I got moved in before it hit.  If I was still in the apartment, they'd have me under quarantine.  

Stacie: They wouldn't even let you come here and take care of the horses?

Mace: That's what quarantine is.  You go nowhere and nobody comes over.  Nobody in the building is sick, but most of them are high risk, so they're being super careful. 

Stacie: It'd be a pain in the butt to do the barn chores without you. I'd have to get the twins to help and they'd just gripe the whole time. And Daddy is at work more than he's home!  

Fred: Your bed ain't very fun to jump on, Grandpa.

Mace: Boy, you better not get manure on my blankets.

Fred: I tooked my shoes off. 

Rose-Grace: I just told everyone in town to avoid gathering in groups larger than ten.  We're breaking that rule just by having everyone at home, and I'm the mayor!  We have to set an example.

Taylor: Well, can I go over there?  Charlotte might leave if I do.  She doesn't like me. 

Rose-Grace:  I also suggested self quarantining. Again, we have to set an example. 

Taylor: Sometimes it really sucks that you're the mayor. 

Rose-Grace: That we can agree on.  

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