
Friday, March 15, 2019

Open Interviews At Sunburst

Sunburst (usually referred to as The Diner) is nearly ready to open the new location.  Some of the employees have moved on to other jobs in the meantime and Midna plans longer hours, so she and Violet hold Open Interviews.


Violet: I liked that young man.  He's over eighteen, but he's still in school.  What do you think of him for evening cook?

Midna: Which young man?  

Violet (checks the computer): Ryan Guinness.

Midna: We can't hire Ryan Guinness.  Both my current employees will walk out.  

Violet: Really?  Why?

Midna: He sexually harasses Whitney at school, he's made racist comments that he claims were jokes, and he just got fired from the grocery.  He made a harsh assumption about a customer because she came in with a lot of kids and muttered something one of the kids heard.

Violet (taken aback):  He was so charming.  And he's from such a good family. 

Midna's reply is interrupted by Albus entering.

Midna: Albus?  I know you aren't looking for work.  You'll be haunting that amusement park a hundred years from now.

Albus (chuckles): Sooner than that, at my age.  No, I'm just collecting my recyclables.

Violet: You usually do that on Saturday.

Albus: The Pike boys are starting training as ride techs this weekend.  

Midna: Pocahontas did mention that.  She's worried that Finnick's already planning to marry Nakoma and join the family business.  

Albus: She should be.  The boy's been smitten since puberty.

Violet: I'm surprised you're interested in working for me again, Zenobia.  

Zenobia: I've got no hard feelings.  You did warn me.  

Midna: I have a face tattoo, so I have no problem with Zenobia's hair dye.  (To Zenobia) But I thought you were making a decent living off the vlog? 

Zenobia: I wouldn't call it a decent living, really.  It pays my rent, but not much more than that.  I signed up with a temp service, but all the jobs they send me to only last a few weeks.  I want something more stable.

After the interview, Zenobia is surprised to run into Tris.  

Zenobia: You're applying for a job?  I thought your parents didn't allow you to work.

Tris (tearing up): They found out about Four and threw me out.  Said no daughter of theirs was gonna consort with a filthy Gypsy --  

Zenobia: Stop right there before you really do cry.  Do you need a place to stay?  I've got a couch.

Saturday morning, Sunburst has an orientation meeting for the new and returning employees.  They're supposed to be reading over the new menus.  They're talking instead.

Mariko: You're day shift, you should go sit with Esmeralda.  Why are you slumming with us?

Zenobia: A lot going on for Tris, and Esmeralda's the closest thing she's got to a mom right now.  I thought it'd be best to let them talk.

Frodo: Four told us about it.  It's really cool that you took Tris in like you did.  You barely know her.

Zenobia: I know enough.  

Esmeralda: Bapo was upset that you're not going to be able to go this summer.  He was looking forward to getting to know you. 

Tris: I'm not happy about it, either, but what can I do? Zenobia's been great, helping me out, but I don't want to take advantage.  

Esmeralda: My boys can drive me up the wall sometimes, but I couldn't imagine throwing any of them out.  I'm hoping my working will force Ricky to be more responsible.  Marcus says I'm too soft on him.

Tris (laughs): I agree with Marcus.  

Midna: All right, folks, I'll assume I can move on since you're chatting now.  Esmeralda and Zenobia will be my day shift servers, Whitney and Mariko evening shift.  Frodo and Tris will be the evening cooks.  For the time being, I'll be the only cook in during the day.  

Violet: Day shift cook position is still open, if you know anyone who might be interested.  Ideally, we'd like to hire two, so Midna can be free to act as hostess.  (bashful) She's far better at customer service that I am.  But you all know that.

Zenobia: You're just not a people person.  Nothing to be ashamed of.

Frodo: I hope there's a big cookbook in the back, because I'm a little freaked out by this menu.

Midna: We'll have a few training sessions before I turn the two of you loose in my kitchen.  

They all pause and listen.  What sounds like the entire Barbieville Fire Department is roaring through town.  Midna takes out her phone - she has an emergency services scanner app.

Dispatch over radio: Working structure fire in Witch's Cove.  Two injured, a seventy year old male and a seventeen year old male.  Use the Hadley Drive entrance. 

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