Candy has used her credentials as a photojournalist to convince Violet to show her the back room at American Splendor Print Shop.
Violet: Exactly what sort of story are you doing? Local businessperson profile?
Candy: Actually, I'm investigating your verbal abuse of young teens.
Violet: I firmly refused to give them private information on a client. No more and no less. One of them is the sister of an employee and --
Candy: And you threatened to fire him if he didn't... (checks her notes) "control" her. Is that right?
Violet: It's time for you to leave. And I'll be speaking to your employer, if you are even a journalist.
Candy (who is freelance): Thank you for your time, Ms Baxter.
Rose-Grace: You didn't!
Candy: I did. Here's the weird thing, though. She didn't recognize me as Pike's ex. If KBV is so on top of things, why didn't she know who I am?
Rose-Grace: That is strange. It's not like there are many photojournalists with green hair walking around town.
Candy: She got really defensive when asked about her threat to fire Ben. The girls may have exaggerated how nasty she was to them, but that part I'm willing to bet is spot on.
Rose-Grace: We didn't hear that part from a "bunch of teeny-boppers". She had to have known the store wasn't empty. Ben was waiting on him while she talked to the girls. But seriously, Candy, you could blow my chances at reelection.
Candy: KBV's already claiming you used your daughters. People are less likely to believe you manipulated your husband's ex, a grown woman. Besides, I don't know why you'd want to be mayor of a town that believes KBV.
Rose-Grace: You don't know why I'd want to be mayor of anywhere. Just like I don't know why you do what you do. Woman, you were getting shot at last week!
Candy: No, other people were. I was just in the vicinity. (shrugs) Anyway, you can disavow my actions or something mayoral. That should appease the masses.
Claudia: (crying) We got Ben fired. He's got to find another job fast because if we end up on Welfare, they'll take me away from him. I'll have to go live with my psycho aunt.
Taylor: I bet Dad will give him a job at the store.
Nikki: It isn't our fault that hag fired Ben.
Gabriella: Yeah, she likes to mess up other people's lives. She fired Dad for no reason when Mom was pregnant with Courtney. Not that it was such a great job in the first place, but the county doesn't pay for maternity leave.
Courtney: She fired Zenobia, too, for dying her hair blue. Anyway, Nikki's right. It wasn't our fault. And I bet Ben gets a job soon.
Claudia: I hope he does.
Violet: What are you doing in here? This is an employee only area!
Esmeralda: I was looking for the restroom.
Violet: We don't have a public restroom.
Esmeralda: But I'm about to burst!
Violet: I don't care. Get out of my back room.
At the diner
Pocahontas: Wow, I can't believe how many people bring in flyers for that discount. It might actually hurt my profits.
Midna: I know, right? I'm going to have fireplace tinder for the rest of my life!
Pocahontas: It must be nice to see those lies go up in smoke. (changes subject) And speaking of lies, John tried to get me to go get coffee with him after the meeting. Can you imagine?
Midna: He has grown up a lot since high school.
Pocahontas: I really believed he was only dating her because of his folks. Then she got pregnant. You can't tell me he did that to appease the parents.
Midna: It was a long time ago. I think you should give him another chance.
Pocahontas: I don't have time to date, even if I wanted to. I'm running an amusement park and keeping Nakoma from repeating my mistakes.
Midna: Did you really just accuse Finnick Pike of playing your sister?
Just before closing time at the museum, Esmeralda Eaton walks past Brent Spiner and slips him a note. Neither of them speak. No eye contact is made.